1.月月 Dinner by five
2.物仔 机灵狗音频
3.馨儿 歌曲-‘爸爸去哪儿’主题曲
4.小小 Mine‘s the best
5.诺 The ugly ducking
6.HARRY(翰) 开心小读者 that cat
7.甜甜 magic tree house 20 的第一章
8.EMILY童童 fancy nancy sees stars
9. 苹果 New Shoes
10.豆豆 All by myself
11.Life Frog and toad
12.嘟嘟 nate and great
13.子朝 MTH-5的第7章 to the east
14.爱海 'the attack of 911'
15.玎玎 the koyote and the rabbit